We understand how important your order is to you, and we will do everything in our power to make sure you receive your order as soon as possible!
We are a U.S. based company, and our estimated shipping times depend on your location.
U.S. Orders:
Free Shipping: 5-10 Business Days
Tracked Shipping: 3-5 Business Days
Priority Shipping: 1-3 Business Days
International Orders:
Free Shipping: 7-21 Business Days
Tracked Shipping: 5-15 Business Days
Express Shipping: 1-3+ Business Days
Orders are generally processed the same day the order is placed, but may take up to 5 business days during higher volume periods of time. Estimated delivery times are subject to change without notice and changes may be due to the courier and out of our control.
You will be informed via email when your order is confirmed and shipped out with tracking information if applicable.
The easiest way to track your order is to select "Track My Order" at the footer of any page of our website.
If you believe your package was lost in transit, please contact us and we will do everything in our power to help.